Sex and Vampire Powers


There are as many different accounts of the exact powers vampires have and they differ according to each writer. It has also become quite cliché to try and the long standing traditions of vampires on their heads and have things that one expects to work, not work, on them. For instance it’s become a favorite device of writers to say that crosses no longer work on them and that religious symbols of any kind are worthless. It has also become popular to say that they can just waltz about in sunlight willy nilly without the slightest sun burn as well. These things are done usually out of a biased sense of the writer toward such things in combination with a more simple minded attempt to shock and awe the reader. This shock and awe represents a greater lack of creativity in turning vampires into superhuman creatures that have virtually no weaknesses whatsoever. The harder and more rewarding road is to keep to as many traditions as possible and over turn them through creativity and not simple minded ploys. Human beings have been around for a long time, and have obviously taken dominant positions in the earth, therefore it stands to reason that they have done so for a reason.


Humans aren’t that easy to dispose of. The agencies and governments today would easily prove more than a match for vampires even with their Sex and seduction powers. Once humans understand that the Sex is only a lure that leads to death they would not be as easily swayed and it’s also true that the vampires power of seduction would truthfully only go so far. They would necessarily have to work within the bounds of power of suggestion if they wanted to get a piece of ass that leads to a meal. For instance they would not likely get a straight man to have sex with a gay man unless he already had that inclination. Suggestions to the contrary would be at best, extremely difficult to pull off.

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